But have you wondered if the gender of the horse makes a difference? Does it condition his behavior, commitment and your entire adventure? In today's post, I would like to present a few facts that we noticed while working with various horses, ranging from mares, through gelding to stallions.

At the beginning I would like to point out that we must always remember that each horse is different and the content of today's post is based on our personal experience. Each horse needs an individual approach, paying attention to their character traits, but also to gender.
So let's start with the mare. As a rule, mares are sensitive, delicate and, therefore, moody. We often have to adapt to them when we plan our training, but when they become attached to the rider they remain very faithful and give us their whole heart, and their will to fight is irreplaceable.

A very funny thing is that most often we can tell from the mare's mouth what mood she is in on a given day. They have very expressive facial expressions and probably only mares can wrinkle their noses in such a way as to express their dissatisfaction. This is often caused by hormonal changes that take place in her body during the month, which is a completely normal symptom and proves that the mare is healthy and ready to have offspring. However, if we notice related aggression or other unwanted behavior that bothers us a bit, we should consult a vet and listen to his opinion on this subject.
Another fact for you may be that Dalia loves working with mares because she appreciates them for their commitment and dedication to work.

The next in line are geldings, which stereotypically are always the same. After castration, they are no longer interested in mares and there is often a problem with them because they are too lazy.

It can be said that it will be the safest of those listed here. The vast majority of geldings are cuddly toys that like treats, and need motivation to work, although it does not make them worse athletes. They are also quite friendly in contact with other horses, which gives us great comfort during trips.

And it's time for stallions. It is never boring with these as with mares, but working with them is certainly very rewarding once we find a common language. Unfortunately, they can be dangerous, but when we know how to handle them, they are like well-trained soldiers.
Stallions require us to constantly pay attention to who is around us, especially on trips where they are exposed to mares or other stallions, relations with them can be turbulent and tense. We should always inform the riders around us that our horse is a stallion so that they have time to react appropriately.

Of course, there are cases of well-bred and behaving stallions, but as in the case of mares, when their behavior begins to bother us or threaten our safety and the horse's safety, castration should be considered with a vet. There is a good chance that his will to fight will not diminish and your cooperation will become more harmonious.
What are your experiences of working with mares, gelding and stallions? Have you noticed the same, or maybe your horses are breaking these stereotypes?
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