The photo above was taken during CSI3* in Olomouc 2019 (CZE) and as you probably already know, this is one of my favorite places to compete. And the spurs in the photo are still one of the most used in my stable! Such a short introduction from me and I invite you to the rest of the article! Dalia
Probably everyone when shopping in the equestrian shop noticed how many types of spurs lie on the shelves. Have you ever wondered what determines the length, thickness, and general difference in their endings?
I'm happy to help you out and explain the most popular types used by riders, but before that, let's go over the construction of each spur. We have the part surrounding the shoe, then there is the neck, and at the end is the head. The length of the neck and the thickness of the head may differ from the rider's preferences and the horse's needs.

I think it is also worth adding that spurs are an equestrian aid and we use them only when a given horse needs it. If you are not sure, you can always consult a person more experienced to advise whether we should use them.
Let's move on then, and I will now say a few words about the types of spurs.
Let's start with the most classic ones, which are ball-point spurs. These are spurs with the most delicate action and we should start the adventure with spurs with them. Depending on the needs, we can choose the appropriate neck length and head thickness.

The next ones are spurs with a sharper tip, which, as in the case of the previous ones, can be adjusted in length to the needs of the rider and the horse. Their action is stronger than that of spurs with a ball.

The next ones are spurs with a disc that moves when it comes into contact with the horse's skin. The disc is movable and has smooth edges, so we can be sure that when used correctly, it will not hurt the horse.

There are also spurs with movable metal rollers, which have a stronger action, and rubber ones, which have a lighter effect. These rollers are also a movable element that moves on the side of the horse.

The types of spurs mentioned here are probably the most popular among riders, but don't be fooled by the fact that everyone has the same! Producers offer a very wide range of accessories, overlays, and decorations with which we can adjust this aid to your style, so it does not have to be boring! Starting from various stripes, decorative diamonds to different colors of metals from which the spurs are made.

Do you use spurs? If so, which ones and did you choose the classics, or did you go crazy with personalization?
As always, I invite you to visit all our social media and the store where we are always happy to help and advise you!
I also invite you to be active because everything we create we do for you, so be sure to let me know about your ideas and suggestions. Until next time :)